South Sudan became the 54th nation in Africa and 193rd member State of United Nations (UN) on 14th July, 2011.
1. President : Salva Kiir Mayardit
2. Area : 619,745
3. Capital : Juba (Largest City)
4. Main -Minerals : Petroleum
5. Climate : Equatorial
6. Official language : English
Geographical Importance:
Officially the name is Republic of South Sudan,which is a landlocked country usually considered to be a part of North Africa or Eastern Africa. South Sudan is bordered by Ethiopia to the east, Kenya to the southeast, Uganda to the south, the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the southwest, the Central African Republic to the west, and Sudan to the north. South Sudan includes the vast swamp region of the Sudd formed by the White Nile, locally called the Bahr al Jabal.
The capital city is planned to be moved to the more centrally-located Ramciel in the future
Prithvi - II Nuclear capable Ballistic Missile was test fired successfully on Monday, 26 September, 2011. The indigenously developed surface-to-surface missile was flight tested at around 8.50 am from a mobile launcher from the Integrated Test Range launch complex-III at Chandipur, Orissa.
This missile has a length of 9 metres and is one metre in diameter. It is propelled by two engines than run on liquid fuel.
Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme
Prithvi, the first ballistic missile developed under the country's prestigious Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme, has the capability of carrying 500 kg of warhead and having a range of 350 km.
The Punjab Public Service Commission will conduct Punjab Civil Service (Judicial Branch) Examination 2011 jointly with Hon'ble High Court Punjab & Haryana.
It is a three stage examination:
i. Preliminary Examination
ii. Main Examination
iii. Viva Voce
Preliminary Examination will be held on 13th November 2011.
1. VACANCIES & RESERVATION The number of vacancies and reservation and the breakup is as follows :
No. of Posts 110
1. General 47
2. Scheduled Castes, Punjab 09
3. SC, Ex-Srvc/ 02
Lineal Descendent of Ex-Srvc,
4. Balmiki/Mazhbi Sikh, Punjab 18 (Backlog 08 )
5.Balmiki/Mazhbi Sikh 04 (Backlog 02)
6. BC, Punjab 09
7. BC/ Ex-Srvc 03 (Backlog 01)
Lineal Descendent of Ex-
Servc, Punjab
8. Ex-Srvc /Lineal 09 (Backlog 03)
Descendent of Ex-Srvc
9. PH Punjab 04 (Backlog 02)
10. Freedom Fighter, Punjab 01
11. Sports Person,Punjab 04 (Backlog 02)
(i) Candidates must possess a Degree of Bachelor of Laws.
(ii) Punjabi upto Matric or its equivalent Standard.
3. AGE
1. Candidate should not be below 21 years and above 37 years of age on the last date of
submission of Application forms.
2. The upper age limit for a candidate belonging to SC/ ST of all States and BC of Punjab and Widows and Divorcees only shall be up to 42 years.
3. Upto 47 years for all States/Central Government employees and PH Person ofPunjab.
4. Application Form:
Application Form must reach the office of the Secretary, Punjab Public
Service Commission, Patiala latest by 5.00 pm on or before 17.10.2011 alongwith
prescribed fee and documents.
For More information visit PPSC Website. (PPSC)
The Delhi High Court will conduct Delhi Judicial Service Examination (DJSE 2011) in two stages called
1). Delhi Judicial Service Preliminary Examination
will be conducted on 18th December 2011 with objective type question paper with 25 percent negative marking.
2). Delhi Judicial Service Main Examination.
The total number of vacancies available are 50 (General- 23, SC-6, ST- 15, PH-6).
1). Applicants should be a Law Graduate from a recognized university.
2). They should be practicing as an Advocate in India or a person qualified to be admitted as an Advocate .
3). Age should be below 32 years as on 1st January 2012. Relaxations apply as per rules of the government.
Pay Scale: Those selected to the service will get a revised pay scale of Rs. 15600 - 39100 with Grade Pay Rs. 5400.
Application Form:
Interested candidates can obtain application form including the DJSE Registration Form by sending a Demand Draft / Pay Order (non-refundable) for Rs. 600/- (Rs. 100/- for Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe / Physically Handicapped candidates) along with a self addressed envelope of 38 cm X 25 cm size with postage stamp of Rs. 60/- affixed on it to 'Joint Registrar (Vig.), Delhi High Court, New Delhi. Request should be superimposed with words in bold letters, DJS EXAMINATION 2011. The DD / /pay order should be drawn in favour of ‘Registrar General, Delhi High Court, New Delhi’ payable at New Delhi.
How to apply:
Applications on the prescribed form and the DJSE Registration Form duly filled in as per Instructions, should be sent by "Registered Post Acknowledgement Due" addressed to the Joint Registrar (Vig.), Delhi High Court, Sher Shah Road, New Delhi – 110 003, by designation, enclosed in the envelope provided with the application form so as to reach him not later than 4:00 P.M. on 22.10.2011. Applications can also be submitted personally at the Filing Counter of Delhi High Court on any working day from 10:30 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. and 2:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. till 22.10.2011. More details can be obtained from Delhi High Court Website or click this link..
Syllabus for Preliminary Exam:
The Preliminary Examination will be a Screening Test and will consist of one paper of multiple objective type questions
carrying maximum of 200 marks.
In the preliminary examination question on general knowledge and aptitude of the
candidate, candidate's power of expression, flair in english, knowledge of objective type legal problems and their solutions
covering Constitution of India, Code of Civil Procedure, Code of Criminal Procedure, Indian Penal Code, Contract Act,
Partnership Act, Principles Governing Arbitration Law, Evidence Act, Specific Relief Act and Limitation Act will be included.
Haryana Civil Service (Judicial Branch) Pre Exam 2011 held on 04 September, 2011 by Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC) has been declared.
The number of pass candidates and Cut-off Marks are:
Students Cut-Off Marks
1. General 582 348
2. SC 261 207
3. BC 103 295
4. Ex M 80 162
5.Others 32
Total 1058